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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Transplants the body will not reject

As you can read in the 'about me' area I was bitten by an unknown spider (I feel a hobo spider) and eventually recovered from an autoimmune system attack on my brain. The mechanics behind the miraculous recovery was my body was given an alternative medication (pill) this included cow brain within it. Eventually the alternative medication doctor informed me that my immune system no longer wanted to destroy my brain. I took that on faith and weaned myself off the steroid medication that was tempering (or stopping) my immune system from doing further damage to me.

Upon pondering this event I came to the desire to fix the tinnitus (ringing) in my ears that has been a constant factor of my life for almost 7 years. I have discovered that the best way to overcome the tinnitus was to have the nerves going from or to my ears and brain to be repaired. I didn't, and don't, know where medical science is at on its progress toward creating artificial nerves. However I do know that medical science has had some success in creating an artificial heart because of the rejection of so many heart transplants, etc.

I have an AAS in electronic engineering and understand the dynamics of electrical wiring and figured our bodies probably are not all the different (other than they are body specific and biologically based and not temporally based.) In theory a simple standard wire connection from one area of nerve transmitter to another nerve receiver area should bridge the connection and that would solve any problem. But reality and biology state that such a wire connection would not work due to body rejection and overheating/burning problems.

Next we come to why do humans receive so readily the swine flu? Simply because pigs and humans have such common DNA that the bridge was quite natural. So why couldn't we as a society, as long as we're slaughtering pigs for bacon and other meats to sell in the supermarket, take out first their nerves and transplant them into a human body? This action would take care of the wire and rejection problem, but wouldn't remove the body's defense mechanisms to destroy anything that is invading it. Unless, as in my case, a substitute foreign entity is also introduced at the time of he transplant into the body so the defense mechanisms were distracted in attacking the second foreign body, long enough for the body to mark the transplant safe and accept it as friendly and start using it.

Again this is only theory but I am living, healing, and growing proof that this concept works. Now if only I can get a doctor or scientific research lab to let me test it, under their supervision of course, to perfection.