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Link to Truth

Friday, February 01, 2008

The WHY as to why hymns are #1 at inviting The Spirit and making your day brigher.

Of course this is my opinion, and I can talk it over with anyone who cares to. But I feel I found a/the reason as to why hymns change your thoughts faster then just pop/culture music. A responcibility of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness to truths, right?
So when you sing hymns the direct your thoughts more so to hevenly things, then THIS course of thought invites the HG to over and over bear you truth to the items you sing, read, and think about!

This can help also with your attitude as having a member of the Godhead staying with you for a little while without question would raise your spirit(s). 0:-)

Favorite hymn to sing? I stand all amazed... to which I attempted to put a link in to, but blogger is being stupid too. Seems the speelcheker is borken too.

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