I just finished watching the KSL Channel 5 (Utah) video Biography of our late Prophet Gordon B Hinckley and the title of this blog was a quote Sheri Dew said Gordon was fond of expressing.
I thought about this quote and then about a testimony and thought that I had come into my mind last Sunday. In sharing some thoughts to my ward I was impressed to say something to the effect of 'there is a dark cloud over all the earth right now, it is of evil and it is expressed in thoughts and feelings of a dampening nature. This to bring us down and make us feel more miserable. We however have a choice and I have made it when I have these feelings and thoughts I recognize them as evil and not my own and say to the thought, "I am an agent unto myself and I choose not to believe that thought" and then seek out and create other thoughts more pleasant and uplifting.'
This train of thought led me to realize that in much of my own life I have had thoughts that are very subtle and negative and now I question "are those thoughts mine?"
I feel and believe that I need to start asking myself that question more often when my mind starts down the road of bitter or less then kind thinking toward myself as well as other people that I may run across in this life.
Because I believe that it, the LDS church, is true, and thus its scriptures are true, and one scripture in particular reads "What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and... my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants (Prophets), it is the same." So this tells me that the Prophet Gordon Hinckley's words of "We're probably doing better then we think..." would fit perfectly into a God given truth that the devils are still fighting a war with His children on this side of the veil, and satan has learned and is practicing a true art of subtle deception that we need to be aware of and combat it one self-controlled thought and realization at a time.
We are agents unto ourselves and we need to simply be aware, fight a good fight, and come off (with Christ's help) conquerors in the end.