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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is God in our lives?

So we recently had a stake Conference this last weekend and one speaker talked about the need to seek out True happiness or pleasure, and not to settle for imitations.

Today in my Biology class at school I was completely fascinated with the discussion on the way nature works on the molucute level. In the middle of the discussion I noticed how beautiful all this was and how perfect God had created all this earth and its balance. Then I suddenly felt a moment of sorrow, not for myself and the knowledge I was gaining, but rather for my teacher who has time and again gone out of his way to state how foolish the idea of God is and the creation.

Which is fine enough if he wants to believe like that, but the joy and excitement I was experiencing through the witness of the Holy Ghost and the truthfulness of our class and its concepts. My teacher, with his 'knowledgeable' blindness to the truth, I felt sorry for in that he was missing out on so much true joy, and the worst thing was he didn't even know that he was missing it!

I had another thought today on this matter, but the material is a little to personal to share online to the World. I will however note that I perceive the biggest difference in the REAL joy and excitement and the counterfeit excitement that fades away, dies, and usually leaves one feeling less, was God. It was the true knowledge that only comes through Him and the added insight to the different subjects that gave to me a sense of real awe and joy FOR my God and what He has given us. Beyond that He was there to guide me on this awakening journey to SEE.

So back to my subject line... "What is God in our lives?" .... I think He is the core of REAL joy and without Him we only get that counterfeit, fleeting falseness. Which is sometimes mistaken for joy because your heart is beating so fast and you gain a rush of excitement so it MUST be a good thing, right? ... only why do I not feel uplifted, refreshed, or edified afterword?

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