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Monday, October 27, 2008

Gay Marriage debate full of holes and unrealities

Taken from "The Daily Universe" BYU University's campus newspaper Oct. 27, 2008

""A heated debate about same-sex marriage at Utah Valley University attracted so many students Thursday that some had to leave the UVU Ragan Theater for fear of violating the 400-person fire code.

Instead of the normal concert or theater production, students crowded in to watch the discussion sponsored by the Utah Valley University Student Association, UVUSA.

Former Massachusetts senator and former president of the Human Rights Campaign, Cheryl Jaques, favors same sex marriage and told the audience they are living in the middle of a civil rights battle.

“We are literally writing the next chapter in the book of civil rights,” Jaques said.

Jaques compared the legalization of same-sex marriage to past civil rights movements concerning women and blacks.

“We’ve been here before,” she said. Dr. A. Scott Loveless, executive director
of World Family Policy Center, led opposing arguments and said those in favor
of same-sex marriage are “riding the coattails of the civil rights movement.”

“Homosexuality is a choice of behavior or activity rather than something in which you have no control,” Loveless said.

John Ure, a UVU business management major, supported Loveless’s arguments and said gays cannot “demand rights without proving their benefits to society.”

Jaques counter-argued with statistics of 8,000 same-sex couples in Massachusetts along with one of the lowest divorce rates in the country.

She labeled Massachusetts as the “role model for the institution of marriage.”
The focus then shifted to the definitions same-sex couples fit in those definitions.

Loveless said the United States was founded on natural law that imposes obligations on its citizens. The legalization of same-sex marriage would move the U.S. away from natural law to an “idea that rights come first rather than duties,” he said.

Eric Porter, president of the Gay-Straight Alliance at UVU, favors redefining marriage and
said, “Marriage is a tradition that, while good, can be expanded to include same-sex couples.”

Children’s education became a central part of the debate, with each side describing the proper school curriculum of the future.

Porter compared same-sex marriage to the theory of evolution and said it does not have to be legal to be discussed in schools.

“We can’t determine a school’s curriculum based on the religious beliefs of the parents,” he said.

Ure said the legalization of same-sex marriage will “affect every facet of our society.”

Both sides agreed a solution to this issue is nowhere in sight.

“We’ll never see the end of this debate,” Jaques said, “because we’re not going to see the end of gay people.”"

The choice to be Gay should not be put into legislation and law simply do to the fact that is IS a choice. As stated in the above article people's opinions and beliefs shouldn't be the basis for law and regulations, as follows: "we cannot determine a school's curriculum based on ... religious beliefs" yet the Gay-Lesbian people are pushing for just that! Attempting to push their beliefs and make it into school curriculum, and they are not even the children who are going to school's parents!

If looking at this issue from a simple Biology and natural stand-point. Nature itself tells us that male and female are the only basis for, if nothing else, a continuation of a society and the needed continual perpetuation of a species. Man are women are physically created to BE together!

If we look to just the simple short term complications of Sam-sex marriage we see that the burden of the continuation of the human species is placed in danger as that role will be places solely on those who continue to support and sustain the basic Family unit. From that we could look at the long term effect of such arrangements and the complete perversion of Gay couples Giving the Sperm to Lesbian couples as the means for the species to continue.

This also takes away the human and natural effect of survival of the most beneficial gene in the continuation of the species, and this would effect also the long term survival of the whole human family.

The argument of "Gay is the same as Black" is in itself offensive to all races in general. Being born whatever skin color IS scientifically proven to be genetic there is no scientific proof that there is a "gay" gene. Those who push this stance are ignorant and haven't even taken a basic Biology class!

Being Gay is a choice a person makes over and over, denying the impulses inside them that it's not true, till they convince themselves that there is nothing they can do about it. This is simply a lie conceived and created in their own mind, which now the Gay-Lesbian community is attempting to force the issue of acceptance on the population at large. In an attempt to justify their incorrect choices and give themselves a feeling of a measure of peace they need acceptance. The problem is as long as they live that lifestyle, whether ratified in a law or not, they will not EVER feel that measure of peace because it's wrong. Wickedness never was happiness, and never, not even with all the laws in the world changed to you favor, will it be.

As looked upon through religious eyes the whole purpose of this life is to make it back to our Father in Heaven in order to qualify to do that we must be sealed to a person of another sex and merit exaltation. The practice of Gay and Lesbian relationships are an abomination in the sight of God so pretty much you're writing yourself, if you don't repent, a post-life ticket on a 'wonderful' vacation in Hell. Simply put by Jesus Himself, as recorded in 3 Nephi as follows -
11 But if it be not built upon my gospel, and is built upon the works of men, or upon the works of the devil, verily I say unto you they have joy in their works for a season, and by and by the end cometh, and they are hewn down and cast into the fire, from whence there is no return.
12 For their works do follow them, for it is because of their works that they are hewn down; therefore remember the things that I have told you.

1 comment:

Julie Nance said...

VERY well spoken argument, here. My other thought is that if we can legalize gay marriage cause these people have a tendency toward it, they believe, from birth (this is their major argument for legalization, I think, that it's just who they are)...well that could open a whole new can of worms. "I feel I have a tendency to get angry sometimes and want to smack my kids," so let's legalize child abuse because it's "natural."
We are headed to a country or world with no morals simply because those who have none are imposing their "civil rights" on the rest of us who just want our kids to have a fighting chance at becoming decent human beings in this life.