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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reply to Facebook post Modest is hottest

Interesting article… and good yet I feel it comes from a worldly standpoint (or center). It states the beliefs of the world, and then goes on to almost a contradiction with itself and yet still makes a good point at the end.

Don’t we read in Scripture "The natural man is an enemy to God and has been from the fall of Adam" -- "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" -- "For we know that it is by grace that we are saved even after all we can do." ? (see Mosiah 3:19, Ephesians 2:5, 2 Nephi 25:23, Romans 3:23)

The problem with the world's center is that it had chosen to believe that when our God given natural brain chemicals are excited and react as they are designed to act, we term this as "being Hot" and this is how women need to dress in order to attract a man. (what it fail to recognize and accept is that God has commanded that such chemicals only be fully released within the bonds of marriage) ---

As this article states, Yes a man will be attracted to the out of marriage chemical reacion, but if you are attracting a man based SOLEY on his inability to control and be master of his own bodily chemicals, you are choosing to invite a man that, in many cases, will move on as soon as the woman stops causing his brain chemicals to run and tell him "oh I still like this girl" (hence the root of the decline to marriage, men and women just can't keep up the all continuous ‘need’ to cause the brain chemicals to be ever-active – they then turn to outside factors in order to get and keep up the stimulation, and find that outside factors do not sustain a marriage but actually tear it down)

Yes modest is hottest as it signifies a woman who is content as being who she is, for what she is, and that is she is a Daughter of God with infinite worth.

As a world we need to shift the focus to Bikini-clad women are not hot (and see the reality) bodies are being used as tools of deception to excite the men around them and to receive some attention. .. And the old adage holds true, "Bad attention is better than no attention at all."

In reality the true focus of a men and woman need depend on what age they have come to. Young ladies need to learn how to be young ladies, playing with dolls and being loved, held, and have attention given them by their mother AND father. Boys will be boys, mud, bugs, water fights and wrestling/chase games ... School age need to be focused on learning and eventually choosing a life goal, preferably based on service for our own natural tendencies to shine out. Along that way boys and girls needs to educated as to the perils of her bodily changes including the increase in chemicals and how these chemicals and their emotions need to be controlled and tempered. (Enter parents again to help out and guide)

At the appropriate age, 16, dating can begin in groups and eventually move along into appropriate one on one (in a two on two group for safety) dating till the individuals choose ONE, seek God’s sanctification of their choice, and then move on into marriage. (age at least 23 I feel, but that can be per the individuals choice) Then the real work will begin!

To seek a marriage or relationship that can be forever fulfilling, the inclusion of God needs to be in the picture from start to finish. Now don’t go out and think this is a bizarre saying, go get educated on the subject before you pass judgment, Look up M. Russell Ballard “women of righteousness”, then “Of Souls, symbols, and sacraments” by Jeffrey R. Holland (read and study both) then further (if needed) the BOOK “Purity and Passion” by Dr. Wendy Watson .

Thanks for starting a good discussion on Facebook

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