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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Plan of Happiness, war still raging here on earth...

It's kind of really scary that this war is still going on, and people, even those who followed God's first plan, proof that they are here; are now fighting on the wrong side with the battle cry of "We should be Free to choose with Zer0 consequences" and "leave my, choosing to fall, brother's and sister's alone"

Last conference God spoke through one of His chosen Prophets, President Boyd K. Packer, who gave a warning to those who are beginning to choose the wrong side of the battle! The talk given stated the absurdity of wanting to vote to change the laws of gravity, and the FACT that we cannot do such a thing! Of course you know that people who heard the talk and chose to jump on the side of the Devil, are now crying out against President Packer as well as the Latter-day Saint Church.

Granted we have all been given agency to choose what we will do, but we do not have, nor can vote out, the good or bad consequences of said choices. We read in the book of Moses, fourth chapter in verses 1-4 the following: "AND I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying: That Satan, whom thou hast commanded in the name of mine Only Begotten, is the same which was from the beginning, and he came before me, saying—Behold, here am I, send me, I will be thy son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore give me thine honor.
But, behold, my Beloved Son... said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever. Wherefore, because that Satan ...sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him... also, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.

Lucifer the fallen is still fighting that same fight, and those that by their agency choose to become offended at the word of God, as spoken by President Packer, may not even recognize what they are doing! has been, perhaps without even knowing it, serving the devil by continuing to stir up contentions amongst the Son's and Daughter's of God. Great they are getting higher ratings, but in so doing they are also choosing to serve Mannan, or the World, more than choosing to serve God our Father.

Brothers and Sisters we need to not be offended by the Word and rather seek new understanding and a different center, even the center of Jesus Christ and His ways. He paid the price for our sins, but He cannot save us in our sins, only FROM our sins, which means we need to recognize them, confess them, and seek to change (repent) them.

In truth we are not able to overpower the devils by ourselves, we need God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost for help there.

(Reference/source the following scriptures:
"Cleansing the inner vessel" -Boyd Kenneth Packer
Doctrine and covenants 1:38 What I the Lord have spoken, I have spoken, and I excuse not myself; and though the heavens and the earth pass away, my word shall not pass away, but shall all be fulfilled, whether by mine own voice or by the voice of my servants, it is the same.
Moses 4:1-4 (above)
Luke 16:13 ¶ No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot
serve God and mammon.
Alma 11:37 And I say unto you again that he cannot save them in their sins; for I cannot deny his word, and he hath said that no unclean thing can inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore, how can ye be saved, except ye inherit the kingdom of heaven? Therefore, ye cannot be saved in your sins.

Some slight word modifications have been used in Moses's words, but the meanings have not been changed and the others are as written in the King James Bible, Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price link HERE)

Monday, October 25, 2010

USA - stop being so offended at reality. Parents start to step up, grow up, and take to the challenge of guiding kids, & helping their marriages work.

Sex addiction – a term that might make you think of Michael Douglas or Tiger Woods – is a real and common problem among Irish men. Here the wife of a recovering sex addict describes the effect of his pornography dependence on their marriage

YOUR INTERNET connection fails and you’re on deadline. It makes perfect sense to go to use your partner’s computer, in the home office. You click on the screen and a pneumatic-breasted creature jumps out at you. You’re surprised but not appalled. This is the 21st century, and porn on the net is a fact of life.

I’d never really given the softer side of porn much consideration. It’s a free world: live and let live, I thought. But there was disquiet in our marriage; children and hectic workloads had affected our intimacy.

We shared a bed, but my partner was physically and mentally absent. He was traversing the globe, trying to find work, which I couldn’t begrudge him – but, equally, he had no interest in me. I suspected he was having an affair. And in a way he was.

There were rows about that suspicion, but I had no proof bar his patent lack of interest in me. I couldn’t put my finger on it, yet I knew something wasn’t right. Our life just didn’t feel right, but I didn’t know how to articulate it.

My family background was fractious. I reasoned that my upbringing had made me suspicious and bad at building relationships. Up to that point in my life the only addiction I was on first-name terms with was alcoholism.

Sex addiction is mired in secrecy. With alcoholism you can smell the booze on the addict’s breath. A gambler’s lack of money will eventually out his or her problem. But sex addiction is something that can be done at home and hidden from view.

It took several accidental discoveries of pornography on his computer to realise that perhaps this wasn’t just simple titillation. Porn was in fact my husband’s mistress.

Sex addiction is an umbrella term for obsessively viewing pornography, engaging with the pornography, frequenting brothels and/or having random sex with people other than your partner. The behaviour of the actor Michael Douglas first put the problem on the front page. Back then it sounded like a lame excuse for him to do exactly as he pleased. The term was widely used again in the recent coverage of Tiger Woods’s affairs.

The absences continued. My partner was always working, looking for work, making money for us, he said. His business in construction was drying up, and he was panicked. The bank was on our case. My earnings couldn’t take up the financial slack. The more he panicked the more he used porn. The more he used porn the more I raged at his unexplained absences. I raged against his lack of interest in me and our children. We never went to bed together. I was up hours before him. He would come to bed at 2am and 3am.

Isolated, I drifted farther and farther, my confidence diminishing as he further absented himself. My rage was driving him away, but I didn’t know what else to do. Our marriage was in trouble, yet neither of us had the courage to admit it.

This misery continued for three years. And then finally, in yet another row, I brought up the pornography. I still didn’t think it was having an undue influence on his behaviour, but I demanded to know why he was interested in its imagery rather than in me. It was a light-bulb moment.

I asked where he kept his porn. I wanted to know if it was on the home computer, because our son was on the PC at every opportunity. This was the first time I considered what I was seeing as the debasement of women. He returned to the room with six hard drives full of porn: hundreds of gigabytes of fantasy. I actually felt faint. As I stared at the size of the problem I realised he needed help.

This wasn’t titillation. This was a chronic problem that started 30 years ago, after a family member died tragically when he was just a young teen.

Research shows that a lot of addicts suffer from low self-esteem. This was his escape. This was where he went when the panic attacks started, where he returned when the attacks came back, as money and other worries mounted. This was how he stopped himself going over the brink, unable to articulate how he was really feeling, keeping it all in, bottling it up.

I had been too busy bringing up babies to see it. As I realised the gravity of the problem, a strange calm came over me. I began to understand the absences. For the first time in years I felt I had some control over my life, because I finally had the complete picture.

PORN ADDICTION is very treatable. As with all addictions, the addict has to want to change his or her behaviour. Addiction to pornography is stealthily destroying family life, and all because most of us are too ashamed to admit it – I use the plural pronoun because it is a family problem and affects every member of that unit.

The calm empowered me and gave me the strength to fight for our marriage and our family life. I saw a man made miserable by his addiction, and I wanted to help. I wasn’t sure about our own relationship at this point, but I wanted to see him free of this burden.

If you get to this point you need to enlist the help of professional counsellors with training in this area. They’re hard to find and usually have waiting lists. I was lucky. A friend who was a counsellor recommended a wonderful no-nonsense colleague who specialises in sex addiction. (The website of the Irish Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counsellors is a good place to start.)

Counselling is also expensive, and the sessions are not covered by medical insurance. The man I spoke to cost €120 an hour. I couldn’t afford regular sessions. But my one session with him emboldened me to talk about the problem with my friends, to unveil our dirty secret. And that was immensely liberating – more for me than for my husband. Sex addicts carry enormous shame about their addiction, and this fuels the addiction: it is the low that follows the high.

Identifying the problem is the most difficult part. And there is a certain shame in admitting that your partner hasn’t left you but has chosen porn over you. But, if you can get admittance that he or she has a problem, sex addiction can be dealt with, and if you can park your pride you can overcome the problem. Secrecy is what feeds sex addiction. But it takes a willingness to want to change on both sides. This is true of all addictions.

With sex addiction there is an absence of facts. All you have are the impressions of the counsellors working in the field. They say numbers are up fivefold.

I lost three years of married life to this addiction. I would advise anyone who believes they might be going through the same experience to seek help. You already know that something isn’t right in your relationship. If someone is disappearing to another room or office for hours on end, locking the door, and is generally agitated by intrusion, something is up.

It takes courage and self-belief to confront addicts. They will deny and deflect, blaming you for their problems. They may not want to admit their addiction. But for those who do, the release from their shame is the first step.

Real friends will support and help. They may not understand it, but they don’t need to. They just need to lend supportive shoulders to hold you up.

Once this darkness is given light, its hold on family life evaporates. It’s like switching on the light when you have a nightmare.

Then, when you’ve made that first step, you really need to think about couples’ counselling. This takes more time and money, and for it to work you need to find someone you like. We tried several unsuccessfully before someone suggested Accord.

I pooh-poohed the idea of a Catholic service offering advice on marriage, but we were running out of options. I am delighted to say that I have had to eat every one of my words. Accord was fantastic. Best of all, it asks you to pay what you can afford – and has a discreet little box with brown envelopes that you put what you can into.

Part of the reason you need counselling is to vent and to break the cycle of rows. And at some point you have to park your anger. For us, counselling became the stabilisers on the tandem that we had chosen to ride.

The problem with sex addiction is the secrecy. Unlike with other addictions, there is little support for the partner and children. This helps fuel the secrecy.

But there is nothing shameful about this problem. When you distil it down, and discard the tabloid headlines, it is an addiction like others. Addicts’ problems are rooted in self-esteem. This also needs to be addressed – which you can do only with the help of professionals.

Many families and couples are going through the same experience. It’s just there’s nowhere for them to go and meet and learn and support each other. That needs to change.

My partner hasn’t used porn in 15 months. He still attends some counselling sessions. Dealing with the problem has made us stronger as a couple. Yes, we still fight about whose turn it is to cook or clean-up, but we’re a team again.

The writer’s identity is known to The Irish Times


Addictive Behaviours ( has a confidential helpline for addicts and family members. Call 087-6858854, leave a message and someone will call you back.

And when you’re ready get in touch with Accord (01-5053112, For a counsellor suited to your needs contact the Irish Association of Alcohol and Addiction Counsellors (01-7979187, You might also try reading any of Dr Patrick Carnes’s books, which are available to buy from His In the Shadow of the Net is helpful for anyone struggling with online pornography addiction

'Like with an alcoholic, they both love and hate what they are doing'

About 200 Irish peopl ea year now seek treatment for sex addiction, writes Róisín Ingle

When Eoin Stephens, a counsellor based in Dublin, set up the Centre for Sexual Addictions, in 1999, he was among a tiny pool of trained professionals dealing with only a handful of clients. Now he estimates that about 200 Irish people a year seek help for an addiction that can be just as destructive to families as drugs, alcohol or gambling.

He attributes part of the increase to the availability of pornography and prostitution online. Dr Patrick Carnes, one of the world’s foremost authorities in the area, describes the internet as the “crack cocaine” of sex addiction.

“The biggest factor is the internet, which has made online pornography and sexual interaction in chat rooms widely accessible,” says Stephens. “But there is also more openness about the problem now, which means more people are coming forward to get help.”

The economic downturn is also a factor. “Whenever there is stress around employment or finances, people often look for mood-altering distractions as a way to cope. We haven’t seen the full impact of this yet,” he says.

A sex addict is defined by the same criteria as any other addict. “They are someone who has developed an out-of-control relationship with the mood-altering affects of sexual behaviours,” says Stephens. “The person is struggling and making promises to themselves to stop. Like with a drug addict or an alcoholic, there is an ambivalence at play: they both love and hate what they are doing.”

As well as online pornography and prostitution, visits to massage parlours and lap-dancing clubs, or anywhere there is payment for sexual activity, can also be part of the problem. Help is often sought only in the wake of a crisis.

The director of Addictive Behaviours Centre Ireland, Declan Fitzpatrick, says the term “sex addict” can be misleading. “Sex addiction is not a condition of high libido or someone who is oversexed, the same way an alcoholic does not drink more than others because he is very thirsty . . . He becomes addicted to the mood-altering affect that the alcohol gives. With sex addiction it is the mood-altering effect of being sexual that becomes addictive.”

Treatment can involve one-to-one or group counselling; a one-hour session usually costs about €70. Although the issue can have a devastating effect on relationships, partners are encouraged to take part in the therapy. “Recovery from this is no different to recovery from other forms of addiction,” says Fitzpatrick. “There needs to be a commitment to exploring the underlying emotional drivers behind the compulsive behaviour.” These can range from low self-esteem to past difficulties in forming intimate relationships, particularly in adolescence.

The secretive nature of the activity means most of the time it comes as a “terrible shock” to partners and is viewed as a “huge personal betrayal”, says Lisa O’Hara of Marriage and Relationship Counselling Services in Dublin.

A person “in a relationship with someone who has these kinds of problems will often feel rejected, asking themselves: ‘Why wasn’t I enough?’ which can lead to huge insecurity”, she says. There is also shame: the partners of those affected will often say they would prefer to be living with an alcoholic or a drug addict, because at least then they could confide in their families.

O’Hara says sex addicts can take a long time to seek help. “This is sad, because there is help,” she says. “We’d like to get the message across that we don’t judge – quite the opposite: we think those who come for help are very brave to make that first step towards their recovery.”

See or for more details or call 1890-380380

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Transplants the body will not reject

As you can read in the 'about me' area I was bitten by an unknown spider (I feel a hobo spider) and eventually recovered from an autoimmune system attack on my brain. The mechanics behind the miraculous recovery was my body was given an alternative medication (pill) this included cow brain within it. Eventually the alternative medication doctor informed me that my immune system no longer wanted to destroy my brain. I took that on faith and weaned myself off the steroid medication that was tempering (or stopping) my immune system from doing further damage to me.

Upon pondering this event I came to the desire to fix the tinnitus (ringing) in my ears that has been a constant factor of my life for almost 7 years. I have discovered that the best way to overcome the tinnitus was to have the nerves going from or to my ears and brain to be repaired. I didn't, and don't, know where medical science is at on its progress toward creating artificial nerves. However I do know that medical science has had some success in creating an artificial heart because of the rejection of so many heart transplants, etc.

I have an AAS in electronic engineering and understand the dynamics of electrical wiring and figured our bodies probably are not all the different (other than they are body specific and biologically based and not temporally based.) In theory a simple standard wire connection from one area of nerve transmitter to another nerve receiver area should bridge the connection and that would solve any problem. But reality and biology state that such a wire connection would not work due to body rejection and overheating/burning problems.

Next we come to why do humans receive so readily the swine flu? Simply because pigs and humans have such common DNA that the bridge was quite natural. So why couldn't we as a society, as long as we're slaughtering pigs for bacon and other meats to sell in the supermarket, take out first their nerves and transplant them into a human body? This action would take care of the wire and rejection problem, but wouldn't remove the body's defense mechanisms to destroy anything that is invading it. Unless, as in my case, a substitute foreign entity is also introduced at the time of he transplant into the body so the defense mechanisms were distracted in attacking the second foreign body, long enough for the body to mark the transplant safe and accept it as friendly and start using it.

Again this is only theory but I am living, healing, and growing proof that this concept works. Now if only I can get a doctor or scientific research lab to let me test it, under their supervision of course, to perfection.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Another book I'm going to need, and my birthday has passed...

Well I'm in a pickle of a jam of a mess now with the wife now, but that is what this new book is all about so we're OK. (she wants a piano and I'm ready to let her get one upon her coming up with a plan to budget it without missing a Tithing payment or starving)

oh book..... OK TEASER for "Digging Deeper" by Robert Eaton

Elder John Groberg has pointed out, “An experienced
sailor does not fear storms or heavy seas, for they contain the
lifeblood of sailing—wind. What experienced sailors fear is no wind,
or being becalmed!”1 Though the wind might create terrifyingly tall
waves, the lack of wind creates another truly mortifying danger: stagnancy.
Without wind, there would have been no progress toward
land, resulting eventually in a slow and painful death, stranded at sea.

Wind is not invariably the sailor’s friend. Without proper training,
skill, and equipment, the same winds that help some sail can sink
others. The Lord underscored this fact to the brother of Jared. He
explained the conditions he would encounter would be so challenging
that “ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the
waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the
floods which shall come” (Ether 2:25; emphasis added).
Similarly, affliction does not guarantee sanctification. As Anne
Morrow Lindbergh has observed, “If suffering alone taught, all the
world would be wise, since everyone suffers.”2 In fact, the same trials
and tribulations that draw some closer to the Lord can drive others
away from the Lord. In a poignant aside near the end of the Book of
Alma, Mormon notes one example of the double-edged sword
of adversity:
"But behold, because of the exceedingly great length of the war
between the Nephites and the Lamanites many had become hardened,
because of the exceedingly great length of the war; and many were
softened because of their afflictions, insomuch that they did humble
themselves before God, even in the depth of humility" (Alma 62:41;
emphasis added).
In other words, as Elder Dallin H. Oaks notes, the issue is not
whether we will have adversity in our lives but what role we will let
adversity play: “Adversity will be a constant or occasional companion
for each of us throughout our lives. We cannot avoid it. The only
question is how we will react to it. Will our adversities be stumbling
blocks or stepping-stones?”

Asking for help is What enables people to remain in positive territory
so that their afflictions will help them become better rather than
bitter toward God? Book of Mormon prophets give us several suggestions,
perhaps none more direct than Jacob’s: “Look unto God with
firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will
console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send
down justice upon those who seek your destruction” (Jacob 3:1).
Jacob’s message is consistent with the Lord’s object lesson centuries
earlier to the Jaredites: without God’s help, they could never hope to
cross the great deep (Ether 2:25). Similarly, without divine assistance,
we cannot withstand some of the mountain waves of affliction we will
encounter in this life. Seeking God’s aid in times of affliction is
certainly one key to enduring well.

Enlightened expectations. A second key to avoiding bitterness is
having realistic expectations about how the Lord is likely to help us.
The Lord promised Jacob that He would eventually bring down justice
upon his enemies. But the more immediate blessing was divine
comfort rather than elimination of opposition—which is, after all, necessary
in all things (see 2 Nephi 2:11). When we are drowning in a
sea of afflictions, God is more likely to throw us a rope than to drain
the sea. For example, when the people of Alma the Elder became subject
to the vengeful Amulon, the Lord “did strengthen them that they
could bear up their burdens with ease” (Mosiah 24:15). Eventually he
lifted their heavy loads, but initially he simply strengthened their
backs. Thus, the spiritually mature, like Alma, pray for strength to
endure their trials: “O Lord, wilt thou grant unto me that I may have
strength, that I may suffer with patience these afflictions which shall
come upon me” (Alma 31:31). Those who expect more immediate
relief may find themselves frustrated with and, eventually, embittered
toward God.


In my own season of greatest trial and most effective prayer, I
remember praying to Heavenly Father for a particular blessing. Like
millions of people throughout the world, my mother was suffering the
tragic effects of a disease similar to Alzheimer’s, which robbed her
mind of its usual powers of clear thinking. Kneeling in prayer, I pled
with the Lord not to remove the illness but to alter and mitigate the
nature of the delusions from which she suffered. Almost immediately
the answer came that I was praying for the wrong thing. I was given
to know that the nature of her difficult delusions would not change
and that I needed to pray instead for strength for her and our family to
be able to cope with this particular trial.
After wondering what my mother was supposed to be getting
out of years of dying slowly and losing her mental faculties, it finally
occurred to me that she probably wasn’t being tested any longer. My
guess was that she’d already passed her test in life with flying colors.
But those of us who loved her and who needed to serve her in these
difficult circumstances were still being tested, and I, for one, wasn’t
doing too well on the test. When I stopped asking, “Why this disease?
Why my mother?” and started asking, “What wouldst thou have me
learn from this experience?” I began to feel refined rather than burned
by the trying situation.

Yeah that was it, pretty good. I'll need to read the rest of my teaser which Deseret Book sent me, and then find a way to go buy me a copy... or check it out from the library as my mom always tells me to do first. ... Thanks Mom perhaps I'll do that this time .. .. maybe ;P

PS to Julie (wife) that last part might be good for your family (slash brother)?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

And we will prove them herewith,

to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them;

This is a revealed scripture from the book of Abraham in of old. We had a lesson today in church that taught about the children of Israel and Moses when he delivered them from Egypt and the slavery there. Moses, by the power of God divided the Red Sea so they crossed "on dry ground". Three days go by and the probably hundreds of thousands of people start their their wandering (or testing and teaching) in the wilderness God feeds them with Manon, or bread from heaven, and performs miracles so they can drink good water. Moses then obeys God and goes up to mount Sinai and receives commandments (written by the very finger of Jehovah)(or Jesus Christ). So Moses stays up there for 40 days talking with God, and fasting like unto Jesus, when God informs him that His people, below, are starting to live again in sin. You know the story, Moses comes down and Aaron has built for the people a golden calf and the people are worshiping it and performing sacrificing to IT. Moses throws own the tablets of stone and they break. He asks Aaron why he gave in to the building of the idol, Aaron informs him well you were up there for 40 days, they thought you were dead, parts of the mob turned ugly on me and so I gave in.

Moses goes back up to God and tells Him what happened and he is commanded to bring new tablets and God will give him new commandments. Moses asks if the people of Israel can come see God at the moment He's giving new commandments. God is all for it and gives instructions for the people to build a wall so they can come close, but not so close they are consumed by God's glory. Moses comes down and tells the children of Israel what the plan is, the wall is built, the people are all excited and crowd up as close as possible. A cloud overshadows the mountain, thunder lightning from within, earthquake, etc all the glory of God is being shown when the majority of the children of Israel draw away and/or run away from their Lord. ...

how interesting the lesson was as we discussed parallels from then till today! How many people today deny God on principle that His ways are too strict rather than call upon Him for help to live the strictness and reveal His mercy. People today find other things to do with their time, rather than attempt in whatever way they know how, to live God's way and follow His commandments. Want evidence? Go to the store on a Sunday, is it closed? no it's full of workers and shoppers. Try the mall? Same there, try your local church? People there too learning to worship God and to live His ways as best as possible in this life.

It is possible to live His ways, and He is more than happy to help you do it. Just call upon His name and start today to move your will to be equal to His will. He's our Father in Heaven who is better than any earthly father, with more power and mercy too. It's actually a joy, real lasting joy, to work out your own salvation with His help. He's the way, and missionaries are available all over the world. Christ's atonement is universal and WILL cover past mistakes if you turn to Him and Our Father. Start today, there never was a better time to start, and I testify that it is never too late. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

History doesn't repeat itself?

I had a history teacher a few semesters ago that was quite certain that the old adage that history repeated itself was false... yet here we have current proof that yes actually history does repeat itself.
presenting a new book that details Rome and the Gladiator

GLADIATOR; Rome's Bloody Spectacle
Konstantin Nossov
An illustrated history of the gladiators which brings much new research to bear on how they were treated in their civilization, their equipment, their high place in society, and the long history of the amphitheaters in which they fought, tracing them from the first century B.C. to their spread throughout the Empire. 2009: 224 pages. (Osprey)
Price: $27.95

Such a bloody past! Certainly we have become too sophisticated and educatein today's society to have such mindless blood and gore spectacles for the sake of entertainment. ... unless we can get kids to grow up learning that such things are correct. ...

OREM — "Super" Steven Siler has never fought an opponent like Enoch "the Animal" Wilson.

Not only did Wilson (15-2) escape from all of Siler's signature moves, he gave the featherweight champion just about all he could handle in the 25-minute, five-round bout.

"I've never done that before," said Siler, an Ogden native who won the fight in an unanimous decision. "I've never gone five rounds before."

In addition to offering the thousands of fans who packed the McKay Events Center on Friday night for the Throwdown Showdown V one of the most thrilling and competitive fights of the night, the duo showed some serious sportsmanship. They high-fived, smiled and chatted between rounds.

"We just got to know each other the last couple of days," said Siler, noting that behavior was a little unusual. "He's a tough guy."

Wilson was gracious in defeat, even putting the championship belt on Siler.

(Taken from the Deseret news site

Yeah history doesn't repeat itself, just animal, er I mean, mortality does at times. And that happens to be at just different times in history is all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Free to choose eternal life or eternal death, interesting...

15 For behold, he surely must die that salvation may come; yea, it behooveth him and becometh expedient that he dieth, to bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, that thereby men may be brought into the presence of the Lord.
16 Yea, behold, this death bringeth to pass the resurrection, and redeemeth all mankind from the first death—that spiritual death; for all mankind, by the fall of Adam being cut off from the presence of the Lord, are considered as dead, both as to things temporal and to things spiritual.
17 But behold, the resurrection of Christ redeemeth mankind, yea, even all mankind, and bringeth them back into the presence of the Lord.
18 Yea, and it bringeth to pass the condition of repentance, that whosoever repenteth the same is not hewn down and cast into the fire; but whosoever repenteth not is hewn down and cast into the fire; and there cometh upon them again a spiritual death, yea, a second death, for they are cut off again as to things pertaining to righteousness.
19 Therefore repent ye, repent ye, lest by knowing these things and not doing them ye shall suffer yourselves to come under condemnation, and ye are brought down unto this second death....
29 And this to the intent that whosoever will believe might be saved, and that whosoever will not believe, a righteous judgment might come upon them; and also if they are condemned they bring upon themselves their own condemnation.
30 And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free.
31 He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you.

(Book of Mormon | Helaman 14:15 - 19,29 - 31)

So this is what was meant by Father Lehi when he said to his sons, (and vicariously to us)
16 Wherefore, the Lord God gave unto man that he should act for himself. Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other.
17 And I, Lehi, according to the things which I have read, must needs suppose that an angel of God, according to that which is written, had fallen from heaven; wherefore, he became a devil, having sought that which was evil before God.
18 And because he had fallen from heaven, and had become miserable forever, he sought also the misery of all mankind. Wherefore, he said unto Eve, yea, even that old serpent, who is the devil, who is the father of all lies, wherefore he said: Partake of the forbidden fruit, and ye shall not die, but ye shall be as God, knowing good and evil.
19 And after Adam and Eve had partaken of the forbidden fruit they were driven out of the garden of Eden, to till the earth.
20 And they have brought forth children; yea, even the family of all the earth.
21 And the days of the children of men were prolonged, according to the will of God, that they might repent while in the flesh; wherefore, their state became a state of probation, and their time was lengthened, according to the commandments which the Lord God gave unto the children of men. For he gave commandment that all men must repent; for he showed unto all men that they were lost, because of the transgression of their parents.
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.
25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
27 Wherefore, men are free according to the flesh; and all things are given them which are expedient unto man. And they are free to choose liberty and eternal life, through the great Mediator of all men, or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.
28 And now, my sons, I would that ye should look to the great Mediator, and hearken unto his great commandments; and be faithful unto his words, and choose eternal life, according to the will of his Holy Spirit;
29 And not choose eternal death, according to the will of the flesh and the evil which is therein, which giveth the spirit of the devil power to captivate, to bring you down to hell, that he may reign over you in his own kingdom.

(Book of Mormon | 2 Nephi 2:16 - 29)

It's all making sense now....