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Friday, November 17, 2006


So I've been thinking a lot about this life as well as where we were before we got here. I know that many on this earth don't believe this, but as sure as you're alive today and breathing it is true. We came from Heaven, and to heaven we will return again, but not till after we have finished out 'test' or 'trial' here in mortality. That's the whole reason for the creation of this earth is to give God a place to see what His children will do on their own with Him not around. (the old adage 'while the cat's away the mice will play' comes to mind all the sudden) But that is the whole test! What will we do now that God has given us our free agency, and allowed us this earth to live, discover, grow, and choose.... Then look back to see if the choice we made was a good one (gave us JOY) or a poor one (caused remorse of conscience) ... It's interesting how there are many "false joys" in this life. The word "Joy" as I understand it, is a forever Happiness or peace, not just fleeting moments of happiness that go away, and to receive the 'happiness again' the 'act that gave you the happiness' needs to be repeated in order to receive it again. That is false joy, because joy STAYS with you even when the act is over and done. If you're new to my Blog and you've just stumbled across it, think on that above statement and feel free to comment whether you feel it's correct or not...

Next in line, and the actual reason I came online to post was this thought - Again I'll state how I believe that we are spirit sons and daughters of God, and we used to live with Him before this earth. These bodies we now posses are gifts to us (on loan mind you) for us to receive an experience here on earth. In heaven we couldn't "grow" because in heaven we were all innocent, we knew no good because we knew no evil, we had no joy because we knew no misery. We were as children are when they first get here. If you have had children, or even nieces or nephews, or taken care of friend's children you should know what I'm talking about. Children are perfect! They love everyone all the time and know no danger or evil unless informed by a parent, sibling, or as they get older, friends, and such. In heaven with our Father in heaven we were told about this earth and about our chance to come here , receive bodies like God has (flesh and bone), and to 'give this thing called life a shot for ourselves' (that's my own quoting not God's in any way) ... Anyway I've read in the scriptures how when we were told we would have this chance to come here we all be like God we 'shouted for joy' (Job 38:7-When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons (and daughters) of God shouted for joy) (check that whole chapter if you want :) )... But I've thought on this statement and this is what I've come up with thought wise (disclaimer : this is not scripture but my personal opinion) -we were innocent ,as a child is innocent, in heaven and when we heard this and shouted for joy, did we actually understand it? If you were to teach something like this to a child would they understand it, or would they just trust it to be good or evil depending on the person that said it? Given that God is the person who said it, I feel that we weren't shouting for joy out of the knowledge of not 'what it will be like once we got down here', but we were shouting for joy because God said it was good and we trusted God, so it was good to us. .... On top of that I've further thought and discovered how much trust God must have for each and every one of us who are now down here. He sent us down here, knowing full well what we would go through on this earth, the pains, sorrows, joys, happiness, and all, but He trusted us that we would find Him again, and if not find imagine then to as least to do as good as we knew how to those other spirits sent from His presence given a body of flesh and blood as we have. (other people on this earth)

How much more importance comes to the world with the words that Christ uttered in answer to a questioning lawyer ?
(New Testament Luke 10:25 - 28)
25 And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted Him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?
26 He said unto him, What is written in the law?How readest thou?
27 And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.
28 And He said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt alive.

I pray that everyone or anyone what stumbled across this post will have The Spirit with them so that they may feel the depth of that message from our God (and appreciate my thought on it as well) I guess I'll end with another scripture and get back to attempting to live better. .. ;)

( Jacob 6:12)
12 O be wise; what can I say more?

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