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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

An update to my last posting

So the idea to 'talk with you subconscious' in order to change my behavior has been fabulous! My thoughts have been changing and my actions are reflecting the change in my thoughts. The latest of which has been, probably also to do with having a new baby boy, seeing everyone with an eye of 'what do you think that person looked like as a baby?' It's been a very interesting new outlook on seeing people. I've come to the conclusion that many people probably are very similar to what they looked like as a babe, (only bigger) and it's easier to smile at people and control the thinking. Especially when someone does something that's 'not quite smart' in my mind's eye. Including remembering that 'once upon a time' everyone was small like my boy, and have a mother and father who probalby have been just as worried over them as I get over my new one and my other 3!

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