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Link to Truth

Saturday, July 18, 2009


my jaw unhinges when it is open to an extreme measure. I went to a second Dr/Dentist and he was able to force/hold/manipilate the jaw to a position that was (more) correct (at least that what I believe he did) and he commented on how I probably should get help fast for the problem. I told him it has been 6+ years and I feel that the TMJ mis-alignment is what is causing my neck, shoulder, spine, and even hip pain. He agreed, but failed (as most Medical people do today) to commit to a sure yes/no that that was the cause.

However later that day my right shoulder muscle erupted in a new kind of pain (at least to this body/brain) and that (for me at least) confirmed the pain and tension in my TMJ joint IS causing the muscle sensitivity.

Problem now is choosing which Dr./Dentist to go to in order to have my situation addressed...

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