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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Small and simple

I was pondering in my bed tonight and was overcome by the truthfullness of this scripture found in Alma, in which the prophet Alma records "...behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass;"

Thinking back about my life in general nothing exeptionally stupendus in a single event have moved me to where I am right now, which is a place of relitive peace and a sure hope for my future, but a culmination of very small and simple things all taken together.

For instance I have strugled with an obsession to video game playing as well as an addiction to pornography both of which are in a state of controled abstinance.

I believe that all of life can be like this as we follow and listen to our hearts, or conscience, or whatever you want to call that inner you that tells you what is right and wrong. One small correct choice after another, built upon each other over time, can move your life into a state of calm and control.

Do times of panic or stress disapear forever? no not all together. Hard times will probably still present themselves to you, but in taking the same, small simple steps of seeing a situation as it actually IS (IE no false forcasting or unrealistic worrying), and moving according to your own inner self's directions. In the end you come out on top once again. As you practice and overcome more and more, it becomes easier than the last 'time of hardship' till your life becomes one big habit of peace.

Be careful of your thoughts they may become your actions, Be careful of your actions they may become your habit, Be careful of your habits they may become your charactor. -unremembered at the moment, but once I re-find the quote I'll give credit where credit is due.

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