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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Century MARK Post!!!

Yes this is IT! This is my 100th post on my blog (wavey lines and dream music to bring in a flashbak moment) I remember it well on my computer set up at my Grandmother's home in Taylorsville, UT. Oh the brand new over-eleborate desk, made for an executive, and now in the basement by the cold, drafty window. OK to tell the truth that's about all I remember, I couldn't even tell you, by memory, what my first post was about.

BUT to mark off my 100th post I am going to share the reason's behind why my son can name off the prophets of God living on the earth today. (we have a video somewhere which will make it's way to this post when it's downloaded from the camera and posted, but too much homework and family living is keeping me from doing that as of now.) It's also Halloween (oooh spooky) in my house and my wife is throwing a party, our first one in this house, and our first one together as a couple, and her first party officially given credit to her in its entirety. Lots going on.

OK the First presidency and Prophets of God

Thomas Moson, Henry Eyring, and Deiter Uchtdorf and my baby knows them all

and why?

Click to find for a slide show of learning

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